Arborist Reports

Fully Insured

Tree Removal Company

Industry Arborists

Our team are all highly experienced and seasoned arborists

Top Value

We are the perfect blend of value for money and quality results

Need an Arborist Report in Logan?

For the most part, before removing trees the local council will usually require you to submit an application to remove it first and they will decide whether you can or can’t.

There are many reasons that our clients need to remove trees ranging from clearing way for developments, dead or dangerous trees, overgrown trees causing damage to structures above and below ground.. The list goes on.

One of the requirements when submitting an application to remove a tree is having a tree inspection report from a certificate 5 certifying arborist that explains the condition of the tree and other factors used in the decision making process.

Many of our clients are seeking information and advice on tree inspections when they first call us, usually wanting to know what is required and how its done.

With our clients in mind, JCL Tree Services work with our partners to provide the right advice and fast and accurate tree inspections and reports.

Residential – Arborist reports for sick or troublesome trees

Commercial – Arborist reports for development applications

Government – Tree inspections to make way for roads, parkways and other developments

Ultra-Fast Tree Quotes

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Call Jordan anytime or leave your job details and I will get back to you ASAP